


I am a Professor of Law (and, by courtesy, of Sociology, Asian American Studies, and Criminology, Law and Society) at the University of California, Irvine.

Primarily oriented within a socio-legal praxis, I write and teach about law's connection to actors, institutions, and relationships at the periphery, broadly defined. My work has appeared in, among other journals, the Law and Society Review, Law and Social Inquiry, Law, Culture and the Humanities, and South Asia. My award-winning first book, Accidental Feminism (PUP 2021) explored gender parity in the Indian legal profession as a site to deliberate on unintentional social movements. Other book projects focus on legal globalization and gendered jurisprudence, and I am currently working on two books - one on nonbinary legalities, and the other on decolonial queer prefigurations. 

My service commitments extend my teaching and research interests. I have served in a range of leadership, editorial, and advisory positions for, among others, the Law and Society Association, the American Sociological Association, the International Sociological Association, and the Association of American Law Schools. At UCI, I am the Associate Dean for Faculty Research and Development at my law school and I co-run a center on the legal profession, a critical interdisciplinary graduate emphasis and a workshop on socio-legal studies.

I hold law degrees from the National Academy of Legal Studies and Research (India) and Harvard Law School, and a PhD in Sociology from Stanford University (2015).

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